Abo wind and Soleil du Midi are Inept and Disingenuous

Opposition is growing to the 2 wind farm projects planned for Milhac-de-Nontron (5 wind turbines) and Saint‐Saud Lacoussiere / Saint‐Jory‐de‐Chalais (4, 200m wind turbines on the border with Miallet).

Members of the association VIAPL, helped by individuals opposed to these wind farm projects, have conducted a survey of people living in the area and have received more than 1,460 signatures from locals opposed to the implantation of wind turbines in the area.

The srongest opposition comes from the commune of Saint‐saud-Lacoussiere where more than 400 people have been identified, 166 of them from the town centre and surrounding area. Percentage wise, 100% of the inhabitants of the hamlet of Mouton are opposed; 99% in Chapelas, Bourneix, la Veyriere, la Rebiere, la Roudarie, Manaud, Larret, Mazaudet, Lage, le Pic, Maberout, Grandcoing and Vachaumard; 98% in Veyrinas, Puydoyeux, aux Farges, and la Chapelle Verlaine. The survey continues…

For other communes in or close to the proposed sites of the wind farms, more than 200 people are opposed in Miallet: 99% in les Parcs, Lacaud and Grafeuille. In Saint‐Jory‐de‐Chalais, 75 inhabitants are opposed. In Milhac‐de‐Nontron, 118 people are opposed, with 100% in Chantres, 99% in Mazeroux, Mortegoutte and le Chadeuil. Additionally, 663 people are opposed within a radius of 40 kms of the proposed wind farms.

Faced with such a strong backlash, the developers along with local politicians in favour have launched a counter attack. They have employed l’Agence Tact, an agency specialising in market research and public relations. Their objective is to convince locals that the installation of wind farms is wholly justified here in the Perigord Vert countryside.

: the tactics employed by l’Agence Tact, which is funded the wind farm developers, are particularly aggressive. Below is some advice on how to avoid being taken in by them, for all locals opposed to these wind farm projects:

– Do not allow the agency to present their opinions (they are carefully crafted to trick you into changing your mind)
– Do not give them your personal details (name, address, telephone number, or email address)
– Do not sign anything under any circumstances
– Do not try to justify your opposition to the installation of giant wind turbines in your area
– Firmly refuse to engage with the agent at all
– Do not reply to any questionnaire they may present
– Simply reaffirm your opposition to these projects, including your willingness to consider legal procedings.

You should know that more and more wind farm projects in the surrounding area are being abandoned by the developers due to a lack of wind. Planned projects in Pensol, Bbeaussac, Charras, Sainte‐Orse, and Azerat have all been abandoned by the developers because they would not have been sufficiently profitable. Other projects planned for La Rochebeaucourt and Puymangou have been refused by the Préfet.

Why would there be more wind in Milhac-de-Nontron, in Saint-Saud-Lacoussiere or in St-Jory-de-Chalais than there is in nearby Pensol – or in Charras, which is only 20kms from Nontron?